Many people often as the question what is herpes? While many people realize the condition when its too late or during outbreaks because they don’t know what is herpes?. Now let look at what herpes is. Herpes is a virus that can spread from person to person through skin-to-skin contact. It can appear on many different areas of the body and is typically marked by an eruption of a cluster of blisters, although some people show very mild or no symptoms at all.
One of the Doctors in Health Sciences Institute of America has discovered a new clue to the mysterious connection between herpes viruses and connective tissue disease. Herpes viruses have long been known to cause human diseases and it’s now coming out that they are much more prevalent and dangerous than anybody ever imagined.
Types of Herpes
There are many different "herpes" viruses, the human members of this group of viruses include:
· Varicella- zoster virus
· Epstein- Barr virus
· Human cytomegalovirus,
· And, the recently discovered Human herpes virus
Researchers continue to identify new strains. All the known strains are highly infectious, and can be easily transmitted by hand-to-hand contact. Even touching a contaminated doorknob can lead to infection. The herpes viruses are also widespread throughout the animal kingdom involving simians, cattle, cats, chicken, etc. Of these, only herpes virus simiae is harmful to man.
Conditions caused by the herpes virus group include:
- Cold sores (Herpes simplex virus)
- Genital herpes (Herpes simplex virus)
- Herpes Whitlow (Herpes simplex virus)
- Chickenpox (Varicella- zoster virus)
- Shingles (Varicella- zoster virus)
- Glandular fever or Infectious mononucleosis (Epstein- Barr virus)
- Cytomegalovirus infections (Human cytomegalovirus)
- Roseola or Exanthem subitum (Human Herpes virus Type 6)
- B virus infection (Herpesvirus simiae)
It has also been revealed that many people are infected by herpes viruses in their early ninety nine percent of the population has at least one herpes virus. The most well-known is the virus that causes chickenpox.
Do I Have Herpes?
The viruses don’t actually disappear at all the lay passive in the tissues of the body. Researchers have discovered that these so-called ‘dormant’ viruses may actually be replicating at a very low level, causing cumulative damage that manifests itself in middle age. Many herpes viruses hide out in nerve tissue. People who have shingles often feel a burning pain in their nerves before the shingles appear. A certain group of herpes, viruses can hide in the connective tissue. It is theorized that these gamma viruses may be a hidden cause of rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue disorders. Could herpes cause Alzheimer’s disease? In another startling development, scientists have linked the Simplex I virus with Alzheimer’s disease. Apparently the Simplex I virus can lodge in brain tissue and replicate at a very low level. Inflammatory reaction over years may eventually lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
Herpes viruses may ultimately be revealed to be one of the leading killers of our species. Herpes viruses are opportunistic; they strike when your defenses are down. Stress, injury, surgery, infection and illness all increase your susceptibility.
You can see that its quite clear when your immune system is down you can become vulnerable to contracting Viruses, or if you already have them in your system they could be activated in a weak part of your body. This is believed to cause the onset of cancer and other inflammatory conditions. Shingles are a good example. When you are prone to cold sores or Herpes detoxify your body regularly plus keep your Immune System at its peak
What do herpes look like?
Herpes is actually a collective group of socially transmitted diseases caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1 cold sores) and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2 genital herpes). Other types of the virus are widely known as shingles (Herpes Zoster) and the Epstein-Barr virus. Unfortunately, most people who are infected have very little or no signs of infection and are unaware that they have the virus in them. Some of the most common herpes symptoms include one or more blisters on the genitals or face that break and leave small ulcers that can take up to 4 weeks to heal initially. These herpes blisters typically recur periodically over time and typically around 5 times per year.
Whatis Herpes Virus in summary?
Herpes is a family of viruses that cause genital herpes, cold sores, chicken pox and shingles.
The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the most common of the herpes family of viruses. It occurs in two forms:
- Herpes simplex virus type 1 ( HSV-1 ), which usually causes cold sores
- Herpes simplex virus type 2 ( HSV-2 ), which usually causes genital herpes