How to stop herpes outbreak naturally as a treatment

In this era when many people are going herbal and a lot of preference is made to organic most doctors will tell you that when faced with recurring herpes and incurable condition the best treatment for herpes or rather the best way to treat herpes is to effectively manage and control the outbreak. I know you are asking yourself how I control herpes outbreak. There are many ways to do this but stopping herpes outbreaks naturally is perhaps one of the best treatments you can ever have.  First let’s look at how the virus works.

What happens to your body during herpes outbreak
The virus lies dormant in your nerve cells, a teeny-tiny organism feeding off your cells but it never dies and never goes away. Also remember that some people may be in the "active" stage with very little to no symptoms at all. You might not have large sores or lesions so you may not realize you are in the active stage and you can still spread the virus to someone else.
When you do not have an outbreak, the virus is lying dormant in your system.

This doesn't mean you have been cured. You still have the virus. It just means that the virus is not actively causing symptoms in your body. It is still possible to spread to others even if you are outbreak free. Remember the different stages that the virus can go into. The following are tips that will help you stop the outbreak naturally. 

Stop Worries
Some people get so worked up, stressed and feel helpless when they have herpes, when its understandable, this doesn’t help. Worrying does make matters worse, instead of worrying, calm yourself and condition your mind that you’ll overcome the situation.

Try to live a stress free life as much as you can. The best way to stop an outbreak is to prevent it to occur in the first place. You must be familiar with the warning signs, most of which resemble the flu signs along with the itch. Anticipating the virus and killing it even before the outbreak can tremendously reduce the effects and painful symptoms of herpes

Also try to avoid your stress triggers. If you feel like stress is coming to get the better of you, relax yourself. You can listen to your favorite music, exercise, or do yoga and meditation to calm your mind and body. De-stressing is beneficial in stopping herpes outbreaks naturally.

Take warm salt bath
To relieve you from the painful symptoms of the herpes virus such as severe itching and blisters, take a warm salt bath, preferably using Epsom salt. This can soothe the itch and the pain associated with the herpes outbreak and can de-stress your mind and body as well.

Keep hygiene.
Wash your genital area with lukewarm water and pat it dry and clean. You have to make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after to prevent the spread of the virus to other areas in your body. Refrain from having sexual intercourse at this time.

Try Herbal solution
When stopping herpes outbreaks naturally, you can benefit from herbal solution such as thyme; this is a substance which you can find in tea. Either taken orally or topically, tea tree oil applied to the affected area, or grapefruit juice which you can also dab on the affected area.
One of the things you also need to do is increase the natural defense of your body to fight the virus. This you can do by taking essential vitamins and minerals that will boost your immune system such as vitamins a, c, and e as well as zinc and lysine to prevent the replication of the virus in your system. 

I would like to make aware that the virus is considered to be contagious from the very first sign of an outbreak (including the tingling, itching stage) until the area is completely healed again. The cold sore virus can also spread at times when there are no visible symptoms due to what is known as Herpes Viral Shedding.