Herpes Symptoms in Men

Herpes Symptoms in Men can begin anywhere from 3 to 7 days after contact with an infected person. You should stay highly aware of your sexual partners and when you begin to suffer from symptoms. Most doctors say that most men don’t manage their condition well, they often deny. Men can be pretty bad about asking for help and going to the doctor. It's in our nature to try to figure it out ourselves. 
Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease that can include pain, itching and sores on the genitalia. Genital herpes is caused by a type of herpes simplex virus, and is spread through sexual contact. While there is no known cure for genital herpes, the condition can be managed with medications taken daily, or when symptoms arise. While condoms should always be worn to prevent the spread of genital herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases, the virus can also be transmitted through fluids in the mouth. 

The first signs of Male Genital Herpes will occur within 2-20 days of getting the Herpes Virus from your sexual partner. Yes, you will see Herpes Male Symptoms that quickly. 
The first Genital Herpes Symptoms will be generalized in other words you will feel them through large parts of your body as the virus attacks many of your cells. This first outbreak of Male Genital Herpes is called the Primary Outbreak.  

Here's some Symptoms of Male Genital Herpes you'll likely experience during the Primary Outbreak.

Pain/ Itching

The first sign of genital herpes is typically pain and itching. These symptoms can be noticed within a few weeks after sexual exposure to the disease with an infected partner.


A few days after the initial pain and itching, red bumps or sores can appear on the penis (shaft and head), scrotum, buttocks and thighs. However, many men who have contracted the virus are unaware, due to the absence of signs and symptoms. When this occurs, the infection is said to be more easily spread (see Resources). For those who do experience an outbreak, the first outbreak is generally the most severe, and many men never have another. Still others experience a delayed outbreak that may strike as many as 40 years after the initial outbreak.


Within days, the red bumps can rupture, becoming oozing, bleeding ulcers. These ulcers can be accompanied by painful urination and tenderness in the penis and genital area. Finally, scabs form over the ulcers and they begin healing. Outbreaks can then reoccur as a result of stress, medication, surgery, illness and sex.

Flu-like Symptoms

Aside from the appearance of sores and bumps, flu-like signs and symptoms can occur with genial herpes. Fever, headaches, muscle aches and swollen lymph nodes in the groin may be evident.